Net worth calculator
Learn your net worth with our specialized tool
Learn your net worth with our specialized tool
Uncovering your net worth is a critical way of checking your financial health. Regular monitoring of this data can give valuable insight into where your finances are heading.
Step 1:
Get a quick estimate of your net worth with this online calculator.
Step 2:
Use our free and secure net worth tool to see your true net worth in real time. Just sign up for our Empower Personal Dashboard, then link your bank accounts, investments, retirement accounts and more to know where you really stand.

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How is my net worth calculated?
How is my net worth calculated?
The first step in calculating your net worth is adding up your assets and liabilities. Your assets include anything of value that you own, while your liabilities include anything you owe. Once you’ve added both of those, just follow this basic formula:
Assets - Liabilities = Net worth
The simplest way to calculate your net worth is using our net worth calculator. Sign up for free, link all of your financial accounts, and see your current net worth at any time.

Some extra considerations
Some extra considerations
You might notice that some of your possessions are both assets and liabilities. For example, most people can’t afford to buy a home with cash, so they finance it. Your home is an asset, while the money you still owe on your mortgage is a liability.
An asset is something you own that has financial value. Assets are either cash or can be converted to cash. Common assets you’ll count toward your net worth include checking and savings accounts, retirement accounts, brokerage accounts, your home, vehicles, and anything else of financial value.
A liability is a debt or outstanding financial obligation. This includes mortgages, car loans, student loans, credit card debt, etc. Liabilities don’t include your monthly bills like rent and utilities unless you aren’t up to date with your payments. In that case, the past due amount would be considered a liability.
How can I improve my net worth?
How can I improve my net worth?
If you've never used a net worth calculator before, you may find that your score is lower than you'd like. For some people such as students graduating with loans, it is possible to even have a negative number.
While this can be worrying, maintaining an upward progression in your net worth consistently is a great way to move in the right direction.
Pay off debt
Pay off debt
One of the simplest ways to increase your net worth is to reduce liabilities. Paying off debt is an extremely effective way of doing this. The Empower Personal DashboardTM lets you view all or your debts in one place so you can better manage them.
Increase your savings
Increase your savings
Another method for increasing your net worth is to build up your savings. After building a
3-6-month emergency fund, you can begin to save towards your financial goals. Our savings planner can help track your emergency funds and extra income as you save.
Minimize your risk
Minimize your risk
Investments are a key part of building your net worth. With investments, the money in your accounts can grow and compound over time. Tools like the Empower Personal Dashboard help you track these longer-term investments and give key insights into their performance.
Advisory services are provided for a fee by Empower Advisory Group, LLC (“EAG”). EAG is a registered investment adviser with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) and subsidiary of Empower Annuity Insurance Company of America. Registration does not imply a certain level of skill or training. Investing involves risk. Past performance is not indicative of future returns. You may lose money. All visuals are illustrative only. Actors are not EAG clients.