How to help protect your 401(k) during stock market volatility
Making smart, confident investing decisions means having a plan — not just in the coming days but for the long term.
Making smart, confident investing decisions means having a plan — not just in the coming days but for the long term.
One sound strategy to implement into your retirement savings plan routine is to increase your contribution to 10% (or even more) to your retirement plan account.
Many companies offer a 401(k) plan with both Roth and traditional contribution options.
There are four primary options for someone who already has a 401(k) plan through an employer.
New Empower research explores the power of network to influence career and money. How do relationships open doors to money making?
Six in 10 Americans believe that the strength of their connections is key to success, from career advancement to pay and promotions, according to Empower research. How is each generation using their network to find success and money opportunities?
Discover how employees view and value paid time off (PTO) and the impact of PTO policies on job decisions, according to Empower research.
According to Empower Personal DashboardTM data in August 2024, Gen Zers (ages 18 to 26) already have an average of $76,568 in retirement savings in employer-sponsored plans and individually controlled IRA savings and investment accounts.
How does your salary stack up to other earners? Let’s find out what the average salary looks like in your state.
Roth 401(k) vs. a Roth IRA have big differences. Learn more about each account's contribution limits, eligibility criteria, and required minimum distributions in retirement.