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Small to Mid-sized Organizations

A strategy to succeed

Empower has extensive experience serving the financial, saving and investing needs of individuals from organizations of all sizes and industries. Our success has come from listening to our clients and understanding the unique needs and goals of growing organizations like yours.

Choose our standard offering for complete customization. Or choose Empower Select™ which combines features and services in one simple offering to help you save time, reduce costs and increase efficiencies.

Participant Experience

Our participant experience is a driving force behind helping people on their journey to financial freedom. Through Empower, individuals can:


  • Link outside accounts and see their full net worth, savings, spending and debt.
  • See a personalized view of their estimated monthly retirement income, where they stand, where they may need to go and what steps to consider next.
  • Review a personalized and actionable “next step” on their financial journey.

Contact Empower to learn how we can help your employees

1 Empower data as of December 31, 2023.

Fund share classes available through Empower Select™ do not pay revenue sharing, such as 12b-1 payments, from the fund.

By accessing this content, you are certifying you are a plan sponsor or financial professional.

IMPORTANT: The projections, or other information generated on the website by the investment analysis tool regarding the likelihood of various investment outcomes, are hypothetical in nature, do not reflect actual investment results and are not guarantees of future results. The results may vary with each use and over time.